Author Archives: bot_lebanon

B.O.T X UNICEF | Opportunities in AI for Women

It’s no secret that the careers of the future have become a catch-up game. With new tech emerging at a faster-than-human speed, the world needs to unite together to ensure that equal opportunities exist for underrepresented communities. With this in mind, B.O.T & UNICEF Lebanon are proud to launch “AI Training for women” under UNICEF’s

HR, CVs, Data Mining – Case Study

Data Mining and its Importance Data Mining is the process of intelligently extracting patterns and information from large data sets involving methods like Machine Learning, Statistics and Database Systems. The extracted information will be transformed into an understandable structure that will help businesses make better decisions, thus achieving greater success. The Problem A well-known retail

What is Data Annotation in Artificial Intelligence?

Nowadays, the world around us is changing really fast. Everything is so different from how it used to be a couple of years ago. And in this fast-paced environment in which organizations are trying to strive, Artificial Intelligence is booming, even crucial. And Data Annotation is a very important part of Artificial Intelligence, here’s why.

B.O.T Expands to Jordan!

Meet B.O.T B.O.T (Bridge. Outsource. Transform) is the first impact sourcing platform in the MENA region that provides high quality data services executed by skilled freelancers from low-income backgrounds. Our aim is to ensure women and youth have access to global and local digital work, giving them the platform to work their way up while

Lebanon, a Global Digital Outsourcing Platform?

Article Title: Can Lebanon position itself as a global digital outsourcing destination? Published on: Spring 2021 by: Thomas Schellen There are occasions where it is hard to walk a mile in another person’s shoes in order to understand and not judge them – simply because the shoes of the other stand under a very distant

4 Reasons to Outsource to Lebanon (Magnitt)

Article Title: 4 reasons why you should outsource to Lebanon. Published on: March 21, 2021 Given the transformations that the world has undergone over the past year, businesses have modified their operating models, with remote work becoming the norm, and cost optimization and digitalization continuing to be at the top of every corporate agenda. In

Remote Job Opportunities for Lebanese Youth with International Companies (Lebanon24)

Article Title: خبر سار للشباب اللبناني: فرص عمل عن بعد بشركات عالمية Published on: April 10, 2021 by: Nawal Al Achkar وسط المشهدية السوداوية التي يعيشها اللبنانيون، قد يشكّل خبر فتح الأبواب أمام الشباب اللبناني للتعاقد مع شركات خارجية، النبأ المفرح الوحيد في زمننا، بالنسبة لعشرات الآف اللبنانيين الذين يبحثون عن فرص عمل تبقيهم في